The AMCOA Finance Committee is established to amongst others, to provide financial leadership and guidance to AMCOA structures.
The AMCOA Finance Committee shall be composed as follows: Three (3) members, to be elected by the Annual General Meeting, one of which shall be a member of the Management Committee (MANCO) of AMCOA; The Chairperson, elected by the committee from amongst its members.
The AMCOA Finance Committee is authorised to:
- Establish mechanisms that guarantee a sustainable financial base
- Develop and implement policies namely –
- Financial Management;
- Membership Subscriptions;
- Conference Financing;
- Travel & Subsistence;
- Investment;
- Budgeting;
- Supply Chain Management; and
- any other such policy as may be required
- Review and prepare Annual Budget based on annual workplans from the committees for recommendation to MANCO for review and recommendation to the Annual General Meeting for approval and/ or ratification.
- Exercise oversight role over budgeted expenditures
- Approve requests for reasonable unforeseen expenditures
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the budget estimates
- Manage investments of AMCOA according to agreed investment policy in consultation with financial advisors;
- Prepare and present Financial Reports to MANCO for review and recommendation to the Annual General Meeting for approval and/ or ratification.
- Regularly review and make recommendations about changes to the Terms of Reference of the committee
AMCOA Finance Committee shall hold office for the duration of the term of office of the Management Committee.
Vacancies which may occur in the Committee shall be filled by the Management Committee. The replacing member shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the Committee’s term of office
The Committee shall meet two (2) times a year, in February, and at the annual conference of each year.
Meeting records
- The host Council of the Chairperson of the Committee will provide secretarial services to the Committee and shall ensure that all telephonic, working and informal meetings of the Committee are recorded and that the Committee submits quarterly reports on its activities to the AMCOA Secretariat, Management Committee and Annual General Meeting of AMCOA;
- The AMCOA Secretariat will provide secretarial support to the two (2) formal meetings of the Finance Committee
- Dr. Divine Ndonbi Banyubala
- Dr. Daniel M. Yumbya, EBS
- Dr Teboho Jeremiah Thabane
i. Sadicka Butt (SA)
ii. CPA Phillip Ole Kamwaro (Kenya)
iii. Rose Wafukho (Kenya)