How to Join

AMCOA has two classes of membership: Members and Associate Members. Full details of each membership category are set out in the AMCOA Constitution. Please note that all memberships must be approved by the Management Committee and that
payment of membership dues must be received before a membership will be considered active.

MEMBERS: Membership in AMCOA shall be open to medical regulatory authorities and to national
associations of health regulatory authorities. The term “Medical Regulatory Authority” refers to an organization recognized
by the Government of a specific country or jurisdiction as being responsible for the registration/licensure of health
practitioners whereby such health practitioners are entitled to practice the profession and/or the regulation and discipline
of such health practitioners.

An ASSOCIATE MEMBER is an organization which has a nexus to AMCOA by:
a) its direct contribution to medical regulation through activities such as medical education and assessment (undergraduate
and postgraduate), credentialing of licensed/registered practitioners;
b) virtue of directly regulating health care professionals other than the medical and dental profession.